Task tracking template
Organize tasks for a team or a personal project.
best for
All teams
key features
Task planning
Pipeline management
What is a task tracking template?
A task tracking template allows individuals or teams to organize, prioritize, and monitor their tasks effectively.
What does the task tracking template include?
The Board view provides a Kanban-style visualization of your working process and the status of each task. This allows you to track, organize, and prioritize tasks across columns that represent your workflow.
The List view sorts all your project’s work into a single list that can be quickly scanned and sorted by field. You can also use the list to add, edit, and view tasks in your project.
The Calendar view helps you visualize and plan work. It makes it easy to see when tasks are due and get a quick glance at the next few weeks and months.
Easily collect information and capture work requests from other teams or stakeholders in your organization. Create different types of forms to receive different types of work from your stakeholders.
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How to get started with the task tracking template
This template uses Jira Work Management to help you and your team manage your day-to-day tasks.